mercredi 20 juin 2012

you're one in a million, you're a shooting star...

yop yop...

So here's some new stuffs, just to let you know (like i m speaking to a fuckin crowd, i know) The graphic novel will be available in french and english this summer.

thanks to the website that allow self publication printing on demand....and make it affordable on amazon....

when you don't have what you desire guess you have to desire what you have...

will be happy to close this chapter even if the script for a sequel is already done....don't know yet...

time will the way it will cost around 15 USD...270 pages of black and white underground whom ever it could speak...go ahead, make me a billionaire..i deserve

peace out



quelques visuels pour vous annoncer que bikini war sera disponible cet été en anglais et en français...sur le site d'amazon grace au site de d'autopublication et certainement sur ipad et sur tablette a un prix qui defiera toute concurence...

cela coutera environ 15 euros pour 270 pages noir et blanc de pur comics underground.... et sur tablette certainement moins qu un paquet de clope...

voila je suis sure que ca marchera comme je suis sure de gagner a l euromillion et que la foi fleurit sans printemps pour les justes....



2 commentaires:

Lajoie a dit…

Count me in, Honey bunny.

alexis bacci levei-yeah a dit…

i always believed in you clarence, since ever and for ever.